It is a known fact that networking is always beneficial in professional environments. It is great to get to know some professionals from your field of work. After all, they might turn into colleagues in the future or even help you get a job. However, networking gives some people serious headache. So, here are some tips you can use while trying to create professional connections at an event.
1) Remain calm and be yourself.
You’re not there talking to that person to beg for a job. The point of networking is to meet new people and get to know them. How are people supposed to know you if you’re extremely nervous and can’t reflect your true self, right? So, take a deep breath, regulate your nervousness, and approach to your possible connection!
2)Give the person a compliment.
The shortest distance between two people is a smile. Just walk up to that person, give them a smile, and then a little compliment to brighten up their mood. Make sure your compliment does not come off as insincere and it is genuine. Once they reply with “Thank you.”, you’re ready to ask questions to get to know that person a little better.
3)Keep some questions to ask in your mind.
Having a few questions ready to ask can stop you from overthinking during the conversation and making it awkward. You can ask a few icebreaker questions such as
“Is it your first time here?”
“How well do you know the host/event organizer?”
“So, what do you do?”
“What’s your favorite conversation starter at a networking event?”
“What roles and positions have led you to where you are today?”
In short, just relax and be yourself. We’re sure that your true self shines enough to make everyone eager to connect with you. Also, don’t forget to keep in touch with your new connections!